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18 2022

A Perspective of Israel's Upcoming Election and Economic Outlook

11:00AM - 12:30PM  



11:00 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley


A Perspective of Israel's Upcoming Election and Economic Outlook


On November 1, 2022, Israel will hold its fifth national election in 3.5 years, reflecting an ever-widening chasm in Israeli society.


Join us to hear Professor Dan Ben-David, one of Israel’s leading economists, give a big-picture perspective of Israel’s underlying domestic challenges, opportunities, and economic outlook for the next 75 years.


This event is in-person, free and open to all. A light brunch will be served.


Click here to register.


Professor Dan Ben-David (Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago) founded and heads the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research and is a senior faculty member at Tel-Aviv University. Professor Ben-David was named “Person of the Year” by the Calcalist newspaper and was included three times (most recently in 2019) in Haaretz-TheMarker newspaper’s list of the 100 most influential people in Israel. 

Shoresh is an independent socioeconomic policy research institution whose sole raison d’être is to identify the source, nature and scope of Israel’s internal root (shoresh) existential challenges. The Shoresh Institution provides evidence-based analyses – essential for strategic perspectives and transformative policies at the national level – to Israel’s leading policymakers and the general public to assist in moving the country towards a sustainable long-term trajectory that raises Israel’s living standards while reducing disparity among its citizens.