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Your voice is crucial. 

Research shows that one-on-one conversations are one of the most influential sources of information for non-Jews on the conflict and rising antisemitism. Keeping lines of communication open will let those friends who are interested feel safe asking you about what is an increasingly complicated yet simple conversation.

This friend-to-friend approach is a building block of everything we do. We build by engaging with people who either are not involved with the community, or our friends from outside the community. It’s not about connecting to the broader community, but with those we know and trust and who are likely to support our work for the land of Israel and against rising antisemitism.

This toolkit will help you do that… and much more.

Am Israel chai.



Jeri Zimmerman

Executive Director


The Power of One

Reaching out to even one person will provide benefits to all of us in increased support beyond the Jewish community.

Key Messages

When engaging in advocacy, it can help to have some language to use as a starting point. Here are some suggestions. 

Have the Conversation

Having an effective conversation with a non-Jewish friend or colleague really is possible! Here’s everything you need…